Next Level of Interdisciplinary Dentistry

A study club to become a compleat clinician.

Join a community of forward thinking dental professionals.

Have you always wanted a reliable network of dental professionals to help bounce ideas and best practices off of to better serve your patients and grow your practice? Are you thinking about continuing education and want nationally recognized, passionate educators? Look no further, just click the link below to read more on our vision…

Upward confidently with a nationally-known educator leading the club.

Our exclusive study club focuses on interdisciplinary dental care in the era of digital dentistry, directed by Dr. Rooz Khosravi, a clinical associate professor of Orthodontics at the University of Washington, and a leading expert in digital dentistry. Dr. Rooz leads the interdisciplinary seminar series at the orthodontics department in collaboration with prosthodontics, periodontics, and pediatric dentistry, and seek to bring the same experience to his community. 

Digital technology is the paradigm shift in interdisciplinary dental care.

Don’t be left in the past; join our exclusive study club that helps members successfully integrate progressive and advanced digital dental technologies into their daily practices. Read more on how we can help below…

SDDH has partnered with Seattle Study Club, an international network of dental professionals interested in furthering their knowledge and providing excellent care. Along with partnership with SSC, Dr. Rooz welcomed a group of forward thinkers and successful specialists on the clinical advisory board of SDDH. Our new affiliation will grow our SDDH community and allow us a broader network of dental professionals to collaborate with and learn from. We are beyond excited about this new partnership and cannot wait to cultivate excellence in comprehensive interdisciplinary dentistry.

The Wednesday Interdisciplinary Dentistry Newsletter

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